Local Resources

Certified Lactation Consultants:

• Sterling Grey ( Loyal Lactation)

W: www.loyallactation.org

E: info@loyallaction.org

• Jada Metcalf (Milk and Honey Co. Atl)

P: (404) 903 8563

W: www.milkandhoneycoatl.com

Pelvic Floor Specialists:

• Dr. Juan Michelle Martin (The Pelvic Perspective)

P: (770) 790 1460 W: www.jmmhealthsolutions.com

E: info@jmmhealthsolutions.com

• Merci Treaster (The Pelvis Pro)

P: (404) 618 4879 W: www.thepelvispro.com

E: info@thepelvispro.com

Prenatal Massage Therapists:

• The Green Tree Day Spa P: (770) 947 8733

W: www.thegreetreespa.com

E: greentreespa@gmail.com

• Reid Forrester (Hidden Gem of Douglasville)

P: (678) 901 9662

W: www.hiddengemofdouglasville.com

Pregnancy & Postpartum Mental Therapists:

• Vanessa Bonaparte (Baby Yes We Can!)

P: (678) 996 8865

W: www.advantagecounselingsolutions.com

E: vanessabonaparte@gmail.com

• Tamara Hunter

P: (678) 838 8333

W: www.newvisioncounselingcenter.com